Geet Rao


I am Geet Rao, a pet enthusiast and now full time into my passion driven profession. I was formerly a finance professional, utilizing my education as a chartered accountant and an MBA in finance. But it is the love for pets and the sheer joy of working in this industry that got me to be a pet nutritionist. I’ve curated recipes for some of the best selling fresh pet foods in India. I also help pet parents with diet charts for their pets (dogs and cats) and I also design foods for pet food start ups. My experience and knowledge in the pet health segment comes from my sheer curiosity about things, my voracious habit of reading and also always trying to experiment and see what works! Before I forayed into my own practice, I practiced as a nutritionist with a local vet in Chandigarh, where I would oversee the diet of pets admitted for treatment in the small hospital cum clinic. In the last 6 years, I have gathered ample experience and can help you devise a good pet food recipe and/or a successful diet plan for your pet. I also help pet companies with exclusive blogs and write ups related to pet wellness.

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